Journal on these questions to finally get clear on what you want

Why Journal?

If you are new to journalling or writing, I have an introduction to journalling article here that you may find helpful. Journaling isn't just about writing down your thoughts—it's a powerful way to reflect and brainstorm. there is proof that the connection between handwriting ( not typing) and your brain ( more on that in this article by Medium) Here’s why journaling can be a game-changer:

1. Clarifying Thoughts and Ideas

Writing things down helps clarify what’s on your mind. This clarity can make complex problems easier to understand and reveal connections you might have missed, I like to use my tablet with my digital pen and notetaking app, but I also love old School Journals and stationery!

2. Reducing Stress

Journaling can act as a stress reliever. Expressing your worries and frustrations on paper can help you gain a better perspective and feel more at ease, and reduced stress = healthier + happier you, which in turn allows creative ideas and solutions to flow with more ease.

3. Sparking Creativity

The act of writing stimulates your brain in different ways as does asking a question that is open-ended enough (but not too much). This can lead to new ideas and insights that might not come to you during your daily routine. When it comes to big life questions - they can feel overwhelming so in the next section I suggest a few to help you spark your inspiration.

Combining Journaling + Questioning

When we pair journaling with the habit of asking questions, we create a powerful combination that enhances creativity and problem-solving. It promotes creative thinking, and deeper insights and gives your mind a playground with which to explore.

Choose 1 - 3 of the following questions and give yourself a timer to answer - say 5 to 10 minutes and free write. I promise you will discover something new!

  • What do I want to experience?

  • How do I want to feel?

  • What do I want more of?

  • What do I want Less of

  • Whose Life do I admire and why?

Play with these questions, come back and forth to them. Consider putting on a timer and then freewriting for that time. I promise you will gain insights you had not before.

In conclusion, journaling + asking questions are two simple yet powerful practices that can boost your creativity and problem-solving skills. Make this a bit of a ritual with some music, tea, or whatever practice makes you feel grounded and connected.

By making these habits a regular part of your routine, you can navigate challenges more effectively, discover new ideas, and achieve greater success in both your personal and professional life. So, grab a journal, start asking questions, and you will for sure find insights you had not thought of before.


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