How disempowering thoughts can cause limitations in your life

What Are Limiting Beliefs?

Some people call them Limiting beliefs, I prefer to call them Disempowering thoughts but either way, these are mental patterns that hinder you from expanding and moving into your Zone of Genius and Full potential.

They are our negative assumptions about ourselves, our abilities, and the world around us. These beliefs often stem from past experiences, societal conditioning and operate as self-imposed limitations on what we believe is possible for ourselves.

Whether it's the belief that we're not smart enough, talented enough, or deserving enough, these thoughts shape our actions and decisions, creating a self-fulfilling prophecy or a feeling of being “stuck” or “lost” and robbing us of the joy and fulfilment that comes from pursuing our passions and living authentically.

What do these thought patterns do?

We may not even realize the extent to which these beliefs hold us back until we consciously examine them but they create a mental barrier that keeps us trapped in a cycle of negativity and self-doubt, often keeping us from gowing to our next level, or trying new things, for fear of failure, being made fun of or not doing something perfectly.

The fear of failure often stems from a belief that making mistakes or experiencing setbacks is a reflection of our worth or competence. This fear can paralyze us, causing us to avoid challenges and play it safe to avoid the possibility of failure.

Other limitations we place on ourselves have to do with age, worthiness, or a feeling of comarison or envy, from thoughts like “ I dont deserve this” to “I am not good enough” - these underlying patterns can steer our decisions and actions.

So what do we do?

Breaking the pattern of these disempowering thoughts requires self-awareness, introspection, and a willingness to challenge the validity of these beliefs - I call this a Pattern Interrupt. By confronting and overcoming limiting beliefs, we can unlock our Zone of Genius and create a life filled with purpose, fulfilment, and success.

It takes a certain amount of courage and self-awareness to identify and overcome these thoughts, but the rewards are immeasurable. It is our brain’s way of keeping us safe and keeping our behaviour predictable and unchallenged but moving through these blocks can allow us to enjoy previously unavailable amazing life experiences.

We need to cultivate a growth mindset and be willing to question our own thoughts and the validity of our beliefs, practising self-compassion. We must be willing to do the work persevere even when we wobble, we can gain many gifts just from the journey of letting these disempowering thoughts go.

This is a vast topic, so I will write further articles on more specific beliefs and how to tackle them. In the meantime book your free call to learn some of your disempowering thought patterns and what you can do about them.


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