I admit that I’ve had a love affair with affirmations since my 20s. Affirmations are statements we say out loud or in private to ourselves, with the idea being that we can change our mindset and lives by using these sayings to reprogram our subconscious. The way they work is believed to be that positive statements, when repeated consistently, can have the potential to change your mindset and, consequently, your reality. This practice has been popular for some time now, I remember writing notes to myself in the 90’s! While affirmations can be a valuable tool for personal growth, they are not a magic wand that instantly transforms your life. Let’s look at why affirmations alone won't work without genuine belief and accompanying actions.

the statements are just the start

Affirmations are like the foundation of a house. They provide a stable base upon which you can build your desired reality. However, just as a foundation alone doesn't make a complete home, affirmations alone won't create substantial change in your life. Affirmations are meant to be the starting point, setting the tone for your mindset and attitude.

  • The Importance of Belief

Belief is the cornerstone of meaningful change. If you don't genuinely believe in the affirmations you recite, they will lack the power to influence your thoughts and behaviors. For instance, if you're repeating an affirmation like "I am confident," but deep down, you still harbor self-doubt, the conflict between your affirmation and your beliefs will hinder progress. Belief bridges the gap between intention and action. Affirmations are like seeds. They need the fertile soil of BELIEF to grow into the beautiful reality you desire - so you can stare in the mirror and repeat ‘I am _______’ (insert whatever you like) If you don’t believe it, it will be very hard for you to see the opportunities for that affirmation to take hold + effect.


LADDER YOUR THOUGHTS: If the statement of your affirmation doesn’t feel true in your core, or you have a bit of doubt, maybe try adding extra words to make it more believable to you: so ‘I am successful’ turns into ‘ I KNOW I CAN BE SUCCESSFUL IN THIS NEW ROLE WITH SOME TIME AND PATIENCE TO LEARN NEW THINGS’ - you add the necessary description to make the statement true for your experience.

  • The IMPORTANCE OF Action

Affirmations are not a substitute for action. You can’t sit on the couch, chanting “I am successful,” and expect your goals to magically materialize- you gotta get off the couch + act on your belief that you are successful! Affirmations should inspire you to take concrete steps toward your goals/ dreams/desires. Without action, affirmations remain empty words. For example, if your affirmation is "I am healthy and fit," it's essential to take action by eating well and regularly exercising. Action is the bridge between your aspirations and their realization so use the affirmations as a catalyst for action.

How to Take Action

THE IDENTITY GAME: Think to yourself: ‘ Who do I have to be to achieve/Do/take action on this? Who is that person and what would that person do? ‘ Then go do that. For example, back to the “ I am successful “ example - once you have added the ladder words, you could think “ What would a successful person in this new role act like?” Possible Answer: “ They would take 30 mins each night to learn a new part of the job, until I feel confident doing it”. Decide what the identity of the person you want to be is, and take on those characteristics, as if you were trying on a costume.

affirmation cards as a catalyst for action

Support small buisness and use these affirmation cards + my techniques to create the changes you desire


Play with the idea of the affirmation or statement being true, imagine yourself in a scenario where this affirmation has come to be and is true. Close your eyes, visualize, and paint a total picture for yourself - in a world where everything went perfectly to plan, what does it look like? Feel like, sound like? What does affirmation mean to you? Se it and play in your mind what that looks like! Take some time daily to meditate and visualize your affirmation being true and what exactly this may look like in a way THAT WORKS FOR YOU

In short, Affirmations are a wonderful tool for self-development , but they must be supercharged with belief, action, and play to see results. Let me know if you try any of these strategies and how they worked out for you by emailing me here.


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